Openness, оperativeness and objectivity
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Educational-methodological administration

The educational-methodological administration ensures the functioning of the academy as an integrated educational and scientific structure and performs its tasks in close cooperation with faculties and departments.

The purpose of the administration is to provide in-depth and career-oriented training of undergraduate students in the form of full-time undergraduate education in cooperation with faculties and departments, to ensure their intellectual maturity and spiritual development, and to organize training and educational-methodological work aimed at training highly qualified specialist and personnel.

Objectives of the administration:

to organize and plan the educational process aimed at training competent specialists for internal affairs bodies in the form of full-time bachelor education;

to implement mutual coordination and methodological support of educational and educational-methodological work conducted in the form of full-time bachelor’s education in faculties, departments;

to organize the introduction of new educational technologies and modern teaching tools into the educational process, as well as the best practices of internal affairs bodies;

to determine and coordinate the important directions of cooperation with other similar and civilian higher educational institutions in educational and educational-methodological work.


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