Openness, оperativeness and objectivity
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Academy Council

The Academy council is a collegial body operating on a permanent basis.

The purpose of the council is to ensure the efforts, intellectual potential and the fulfillment of the tasks specified in the normative legal documents related to the educational and scientific research activities of the Academy in accordance with the legislation on education, to direct the training of mature professional personnel with excellent knowledge, qualifications, competences at the level of the requirements of the state educational standard of higher education.

Objectives of the Council:

to implement the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education” and relevant normative legal documents regulating relations in the field of education to the activity of the academy;

to train competent specialists, scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel for internal affairs bodies, to conduct fundamental, practical and innovative researches, to introduce modern science, technologies and local and foreign best practices into these processes;

to approve educational programs, to monitor their implementation, to recommend the publication of prepared textbooks and training manuals;

to carry out spiritual and moral education, to form and develop high moral, ethical, humanitarian mentality and patriotic qualities of learners;

to develop the mutually beneficial international cooperative relations of the academy in the field of higher education.

The structure of the council consists of the chairman, deputies, secretary and members. The head of the academy is the chairman of the council, the deputies of the chairman of the council are according to the position, the first deputy and deputy for scientific affairs of the head.

The Council meeting is held at least twice a quarter. If necessary, extraordinary meetings may be held.


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