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The Department of criminal-procedural law

The department of criminal-procedural law is a structural unit that supports the training of specialist personnel of the academy.

Subjects taught by the department:

criminal-procedural law;

judicial and law enforcement agencies;

preliminary investigation.

Publications by teaching staff of the department:

“Criminal-procedural law” (textbook);

“Preliminary investigation” (textbook);

“Judicial and law enforcement agencies” (textbook);

“Dispositiveness in criminal proceedings” (monograph);

“Institute of private prosecution” (monograph);

“Improving the procedural formalization of evidence” (monograph);

“Theoretical and practical features of fraud investigation” (monograph).

“Preliminary investigation” (course of lectures).

A scientific circle of talented cadets was established under the department. In order to ensure harmony of theory and practice during the training process, close cooperation has been established with structural units and regional divisions of the Ministry of internal affairs, as well as with leading educational institutions.



The department began to function since 1977. Previously, it was named the Department of criminology and crime prevention, criminology and the execution of punishments.

Over the years, the department was headed by PhD in law, associate professor A.Akhmadееv, doctor of law, professor Z.Zaripov, candidate of psychological sciences V. Moskalenko, doctor of law, professor I.Ismailov, PhD in law, associate professor J. Mukhtorov.

The department provides trainings to the cadets and listeners aimed at forming theoretical knowledge about criminology, victimology, the prevention of corruption in the internal affairs bodies and the formation of anti-corruption behavior among employees.

The teaching of the sciences “Criminology”, “Victimology”, also the training course “Prevention of corruption in the internal affairs bodies and the formation of anti-corruption behavior among officers” is provided. Training sessions are conducted by professional and teaching staff members, qualified staff with practical experience in the internal affairs bodies, using interactive teaching methods.

Along with these effectively carried out research problems in this area. The faculty of the department publishes textbooks, textbooks on the discipline “Criminology”, and publishes scientific articles on topical issues of crime prevention.

Over the years, scientific research has been carried out concerning the identity of the criminal, the identity of the minor, the prevention of recidivism crime, organized crime, drug abuse among minors, etc. Purposefully, work is underway to carry out fundamental and applied research on the problems existing in the activities of the internal affairs bodies, to develop on their basis scientifically-based proposals aimed at improving legislation and law enforcement practice.

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