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Training of internal affairs (police) personnel of foreign countries

Training, retraining and advanced training of the personnel of the internal affairs bodies (police) of foreign countries are introduced at the Academy.

The following steps are available for foreign learners:

1) bachelor’s degree;

2) master’s degree;

3) basic doctoral program;

4) professional training (retraining and advanced training).

Applicants are admitted without admission exams, and educational processes are conducted in Uzbek, Russian and English.

The term of study at the bachelor’s degree is 3 years.

Staff are trained in the following specialties:

crime prevention activity;

forensics activity;

execution of punishment activity;

disciplinary-psychological support of service activity;

organizational-staff activity;

probation activity.

The term of study at the master’s degree is 1 year.

Staff are trained in the following specialties:

“organizational-strategic management”;

“organizational-tactical management”;

“scientific-pedagogical activity”.

Graduates are awarded a diploma of the specified model.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) academic degree will be awarded to those who mastered the basic doctoral program and defended their dissertation in the prescribed manner.

Certificates are issued to foreign personnel who have completed short-term courses.

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