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The Department of military training

The department of military training is a structural unit that supports the training of specialist personnel of the academy.

Subjects taught by the department:

military training;

combat training;

planning and organizing the use of forces and means of internal affairs bodies;

management and coordination of forces and means.

Publications by teaching staff of the department:

“Special tactics” (textbook);

“Organization of combat training in internal affairs bodies” (textbook);

“Civil protection” (textbook);

“Military topography” (textbook);

“Shooting training” (textbook);

“Primary military training” (training manual);

“Techniques and tactics of shooting from the Kalashnikov assault rifle” (training manual);

“Modern information and communication technologies in teaching shooting training” (training manual);

“Firearms used in special operations” (training manual);

“Firearms combat inspection and normalization” (training manual);

“Rules of firing from guns and combat vehicles” (training manual).

A scientific circle of talented cadets was established under the department. In order to ensure harmony of theory and practice during the training process, close cooperation has been established with structural units of the Ministries of internal affairs and defense, as well as with leading educational institutions.

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