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The Department of state-legal sciences and the provision of human rights

The department of state-legal sciences and the provision of human rights is a structural unit that supports the training of specialist personnel of the academy.

Subjects taught by the department:

theory of state and law;

constitutional law;

international law;

general theory of human rights;

human rights and civil society;

Development strategy of Uzbekistan. Civil society.

Publications by teaching staff of the department:

“Theory of state and law” (textbook);

“Constitutional law” (textbook);

“Theory and history of state and law” (textbook);

“Informational-analytical work in internal affairs bodies” (textbook);

“Professional culture and behavioral etiquette” (training manual);

“New Constitution of Uzbekistan” (training manual);

“Explanatory dictionary of Uzbek legal terms” (training manual).

A scientific circle of talented cadets was established under the department. In order to ensure harmony of theory and practice during the training process, close cooperation has been established with leading educational institutions.

This structural unit was created in 2017.

The main goal of the department is to form theoretical knowledge of the causes and conditions of the emergence of modern threats, in particular, terrorism, extremism, human trafficking and illegal migration, their feature and specifics, as well as practical skills to prevent, solve and prevent these crimes.

Currently, the professional-teaching staff of the department conducts classes in the following sciences: “Tactics and methods for countering terrorism and extremism”, “Activities of the operational organs of internal affairs organs in combating illegal migration and human trafficking”, “Special technical means”. For the listeners of the faculty of training of managing personnel “Organization of activities to counter terrorism and religious extremism”.

The result of scientific research of the professional-teaching staff of the department was the publication of such books as “Operational investigative activities in the internal affairs bodies”, “Special technical means”, “Organization of the management of operational-investigative activities of the internal affairs bodies”, “Establishment and disclosure of hidden production methods and distribution of synthetic drugs”, “Tactics and methods of countering terrorism and extremism” and others. Members of the department’s staff pay special attention to the introduction of educational process of modern educational technologies, the effective and widespread use of interactive teaching methods, computer graphics and multimedia, such teaching methods as “round tables”, “brainstorming”, “role-playing games”, also training sessions in the active form of discussion.

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