Openness, оperativeness and objectivity
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Faculty of correspondence education

The faculty of correspondence education is a structural unit that ensures training of highly qualified specialist legal personnel with advanced professional training, necessary knowledge and skills for internal affairs bodies and other law enforcement structures.

The purpose of the faculty is to train highly educated legal personnel with extensive knowledge, skills and professional qualities in the activities of crime prevention, combating crime, maintaining public order and ensuring the safety of citizens.

Objectives of the faculty:

to ensure the quality of education in accordance with state educational standards, qualification requirements, curriculum and educational programs;

to ensure the systematic implementation of the “continuous education-career” process in the system of internal affairs bodies;

to train specialists who have mastered modern knowledge and practical skills and are able to use them in their future professional activities;

to create the effective system for spiritual and moral education of listeners, to raise their legal culture and consciousness;

to widely introduce the interactive methods of teaching, innovative pedagogical and information-communication technologies, self-study education and distance learning into practice;

to form professional psychological knowledge and competences necessary for the officers of internal affairs bodies and other law enforcement agencies;

to exchange experience with leading similar educational institutions of foreign countries;

to cooperate with the relevant sectoral services of the internal affairs bodies, as well as with the departments of the academy and other structural units, etc in order to effectively organize the educational process.


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