Openness, оperativeness and objectivity
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Councils awarding scientific degrees

The Academy has open and closed specialized councils awarding the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Sciences (DSc) in the fields of law sciences.

These councils are a scientific-organizational structure created to operate on a public basis for a certain period of time.

Scientific councils operate under the leadership of the Higher attestation commission under the Cabinet of Ministers based on the principles of legality, impartiality, openness, transparency and quickness.

Objectives of the Council:

to accept the dissertation for defense;

to hold dissertational defense;

to review the dissertation, appeals, report of the Scientific Seminar sent by the Higher attestation commission;

to deprive the academic degree or re-awarding, etc.

The members of the Scientific council shall be composed of at least 9 and at most 21 members.

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