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Educational-methodological council

The educational-methodological council is a community body that coordinates the educational and educational- methodological activities of the academy.

The purpose of the council is to carry out educational, educational-methodological affairs, works on training personnel, to improve the pedagogical competences of teaching staff, to effectively implement the results of research work into the educational process, and to coordinate the educational-methodological activities.

Objectives of the Council:

to increase the effectiveness of educational-methodological support of the educational process, to participate in providing fundamental basic and practical professional training of cadets and listeners;

to organize modern forms and methods of teaching, pedagogical, information-communication based on innovative technologies to ensure the inextricable connection between the theoretical preparation of the educational process and the activity of law enforcement, to form the skills of analytical thinking, self-study and the use of knowledge to cadets and listeners;

to ensure the compliance of educational-methodological materials with the established requirements aimed at increasing the quality and level of teaching of subjects;

to participate in the training of pedagogical personnel, to increase their professional skills and potential;

to coordinate educational and teaching-methodological activities of departments and cycles;

to implement public control over the implementation of educational, educational-methodological, methodological, spiritual-enlightened and disciplinary activities.


The rights of the  Council:

to participate in improving the educational process;

to control the organization of the educational process based on modern forms and methods of teaching, pedagogical, information-communication, innovative technologies;

to analyse the learning of cadets and listeners according to the results of the types of control and control over the evaluation criteria;

to make decisions that must be carried out by relevant departments regarding the improvement of educational-methodological processes;

to hear the reports of the departments on the implementation of educational, educational-methodological, methodological, spiritual-enlightened and disciplinary work;

to consider the issues related to popularization and implementation of advanced work experiences of teaching staff;

to recommend prepared textbooks, lectures books, monographs, educational and educational-methodological manuals for publication;

to control the implementation of the decisions and instructions of the academy council on the organization of the educational process;

to recommend candidates of teaching staff to participate in various competitions;

to recommend candidates of cadets and listeners to participate in science olympiads and various competitions;

to conduct social survey on the activity of the academy, to take measures to improve the educational process based on its results.

The educational-methodological council is formed by the chairman, deputy, secretary and members. The council meeting is held at least once a month.

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